The Science of Learning

In this episode of ‘From Page to Practice’, I speak about how I’ve applied some of the studies of ‘The Science of Learning 77 Studies That Every Teacher Needs To Know’ to my practice. To hear my reflections, listen from 37:46 onwards.

Overall verdict: ★ ★ ★ ★ 

Why this book?
I must be honest; I was attracted to this book because it’s different! In contrast to many education books, the ‘Science of Learning’ is a compilation of 77 different studies- all of which help teachers to improve their practice. Each of the 77 studies is laid out in the same way with an overview of the study, the main findings, related research and classroom implications. For this reason, the book is perfect to dip into- perhaps reading a study a day or referring to those most of interest to you.

I have used this book in two main ways:
1.     As a source of material for discussion in departmental meetings (e.g Study 23 and Study 28)  
2.     As a source of material for discussion in form time (e.g. Study 29, 30 and 35)

Listen to the podcast above for more insights into the book!

Three key takeaways:
1. Research into education and learning is ever evolving.

2. There is a lot about learning that we still don’t know.

3. The best way to improve our practice is to read- to read academic papers, to read educational books and to read the experiences and lessons learnt by others.


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