ReTeach Podcast

July 2023
In May, I joined Kit Rackley on the ReTeach podcast to discuss the Top Spec Climate Crisis book that I co-wrote with Tim Daley. Kit and I discuss the importance of reading in geography and how to encourage students (and teachers!) to read around the subject. We discuss the book in detail and the unique approach that Tim and I took with this resource. You can listen to the podcast here.

Possible points of interest:
2:10 - 4minutes: What are the Top Spec books?
6:10 - 7:15minutes: What do we cover in the book and why?
13:30 - 15:00minutes: Why are we in a climate crisis? The 4 reasons discussed in the book
24:20 - 28:00minutes: How do we use extra reading and books with 6th form and younger students?


Bedrock Learning Podcast


Curriculum Tweaks: Population