GeogPod: The Climate Crisis

December 2021
Throughout 2020, I worked with Dr Tim Daley on a very exciting project: a book about the climate crisis. This book will form part of the Geographical Association’s ‘Top Spec’ range and is aimed at high-performing A-Level students. Hopefully, the book will also prove useful to geography teachers and undergraduate students alike. Tim and I joined the GeogPod team to talk about the book in early December 2021. To listen to the podcast, please click here.

Possible points of interest:
2:00 - 6:00minutes: Why did we call the book the climate crisis?
10:00 - 12:30minutes: Where is climate change in our curriculums?
21:15 - 22:30minutes: How do we think synoptically about climate change at A-Level?
28:20 - 32minutes: What are the key drivers of climate change?


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