GeogPod: How to speak like a geographer

In December 2020, I was lucky enough to be asked by Oxford University Press to do an episode of the GA ‘GeogPod’ podcast on their behalf. I spoke about geographical literacy and how to encourage students to ‘speak like a geographer’. To listen to the podcast, please click here.

Possible points of interest:
2:00 - 5:15minutes: What do we mean by geographical literacy?
6:30 - 9minutes: Does a lack of language limit our ability to think geographically?
11:20 - 15:40minutes: Why is geographical literacy important?
20:20 - 28:00minutes: How do you decide which specific vocabulary to embed in lessons?
28:50 - 30:00minutes: What is the value of textbooks?
39:00 - 41:40minutes: How do you tackle new terms in the classroom?
43:20 - 44:30minutes: What are common misconceptions in geography
47:40 - 51:00minutes: Using peel in geography


Seneca Webinar: Using fertile questions


Teaching Geography through books (Part 2)